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Wallet daemon provider

This is the only provider that works in both Node.js and browser environments. It enables a direct connection to a wallet via JSON-RPC.

Install required dependencies

npm install @tari-project/wallet-daemon-provider @tari-project/tari-permissions

Establish and test the connection

import { TariPermissions } from "@tari-project/tari-permissions";
import { WalletDaemonTariProvider } from "@tari-project/wallet-daemon-provider";

const permissions = new TariPermissions().addPermission("Admin");
const serverUrl = "";
const provider = await WalletDaemonTariProvider.buildFetchProvider({

// Test connection
const account = await provider.getAccount();
console.log(`Account address: ${account.address}`);

If the connection is successful, it should output an account address similar to the following:

Account id: component_24b679b98056c7ca7e3d9f9266fec928c7f29d35e7aec546ed69f532aff40710